3 Home Projects to Tackle While You’re Social Distancing

painting a wall

3 Home Projects to Tackle While You’re Social Distancing

In the U.S. and across the globe, many of us have found ourselves stuck in our homes and practicing social distancing amid COVID-19. This is a massive adjustment for most American households, leaving many wondering what to do with their newfound abundance of free time.

While there are a ton of leisurely activities you can now unabashedly indulge in, like binge-watching your favorite tv series or taking periodic naps throughout the day, this is also an opportunity to tackle those projects that can seem difficult to find time to do!

To help you get started, we’ve rounded up three home projects you can tackle during this time:

Spring cleaning

It’s officially spring, so if you are staying home right now, it’s a good opportunity to clean and declutter with a serious spring cleaning session. Having a clean and fresh space will allow you to feel more relaxed, and it will also relieve some of the tension of being isolated in your home. A good spring cleaning plan can include the following:


  • Go room-by-room and collect all of the items that no longer serve a purpose in your home. Categorize your items and determine how you will dispose of each type. Items that are still usable can be donated to local charities, given away, or sold on community social groups, such as Nextdoor or Facebook Marketplace. 


  • Determine which items are recyclable and dispose of them accordingly. See our recycling guide for answers to commonly asked questions and additional recycling information and tips. Items that cannot be donated or reused can go to the TDS Citizens Convenience Center, which features easy access and paved roads where citizens can responsibly throw away their waste.


  • If you have an excess of items you wish to get rid of or you are getting rid of large items, like furniture or mattresses, you may benefit from renting a residential dumpster. Residential dumpsters come in a variety of sizes, which allow you to efficiently dispose of items in bulk without leaving your home.


As a designated essential services provider, TDS is still open for business during the COVID-19 crisis. TDS offers mini roll-off dumpsters for home projects, junk removal, and interior/exterior renovations. These are small enough to fit into the tightest spaces, making them perfect for both home and commercial purposes.

In addition to our normal services, to meet the needs of our customers who are at home during the crisis, we are offering a deal for home spring cleaning. With the rental of any mini roll-off dumpster, we are offering $100 off your total package and throwing in two FREE cubic yards of Garden-Ville compost or mulch delivered to your driveway. Fill out our form for more information or contact us at (737) 236-7090 to get your spring cleaning combo now.

If you need a larger container than a mini-roll off, TDS offers a variety of dumpster sizes, as well as dropoff and pickup services. Learn more about our residential dumpster rentals here.

After you’ve decluttered your home, give it a deep clean. To get you started, we’ve put together a list of cleaning chores to do during isolation:

  • Clean the inside of your refrigerator
  • Organize your kitchen cabinets and drawers
  • Clean the interior of your oven
  • Wipe down the fronts of the cabinets and appliances
  • Disinfect all handles, doorknobs, drawer pulls, and light switches
  • Change air filters and dust the air vents
  • Dust down crown and floor molding, as well as other hard to reach wall areas
  • Clean your light fixtures
  • Wipe down and disinfect all countertops
  • Strip your sheets and wash your bedding
  • Organize your bathroom cabinets and drawers
  • Clean your bathroom mirror
  • Clean your shower tile and/or door
  • Clean and disinfect all toilets and sinks
  • Wash all laundry and organize your closet


If you’ve always wanted to paint your walls but couldn’t find the time or energy, you may have found your silver lining of practicing self-distancing. With your newfound time, you can make some big changes to your home with a little bit of effort and paint.

Before starting a painting project, check with your local home improvement stores about their hours or current services. Some may be temporarily closed and others might provide curbside or delivery services. Many stores also offer online purchasing and ship paint straight to your home.

Make sure your tools are up to date as well, such as brushes, paint rollers, and paint trays. Don’t forget to have proper cover for any furniture and tape to mark off different areas for protection. Pro tip: A paint sprayer can help you tackle large projects with ease. You should be able to find one available to purchase or rent in your area.

Painting doesn’t have to be limited to just your walls. Here are two creative ways to use paint on other items in your home.

  • Paint old or ugly furniture – Bring life and cohesion to old or mismatched furniture by painting it. Paint can help add life and color to mundane items in your home.
  • Paint your tile – If you don’t have the equipment or skills needed to retile, renew your tile with a coat of paint and fun stencils. This is an affordable and durable way to spruce up bathroom floors and kitchen backsplashes.

Redo flower beds and planters

If you’re feeling cooped up inside, use this opportunity to get some sunshine and do some yard work. One of the most uplifting changes you can make to the front of your house is to freshen up your flower beds and planters.

If you’ve neglected your yard over winter and your flower beds have seen better days, follow these steps:

  1. Plan your flower bed – Before you start working on your flower bed, you’ll need to plan out what you’re going to do with it. Consider which USDA hardiness zone you live in and how much sun your yard gets when deciding on plants.
  2. Remove all weeds – Remove any weeds in your flower bed to clean it up. Some weeds can be pulled out by hand and others might need to be dug out with a trowel. 
  3. Clear out existing plants – If your original plants are dead or you just want to totally start fresh, remove all existing plant roots. You can also dig out plants you would like to keep but just relocate. 
  4. Prep the soil – Prep your soil by aerating it. Aeration helps de-compact and add oxygen to your soil, which is key for healthy garden growth. Aerate your flower beds with manual tillers or rakes available from your local gardening centers.
  5. Add a layer of compost – Adding a layer of compost to your flower bed will enrich your soil and promote plant growth. It’s recommended that you add two to three inches of compost to your flower beds and mix it in with your existing soil. 
  6. Add new soil – It’s a good idea to add fresh, nutrient-rich soil to your flower bed. Your soil quality greatly affects how your plants will grow, so it’s important to create a strong soil foundation. 
  7. Add new plants – Now that you’ve prepped your soil, you can add in your new plants. Be sure to space them accordingly and plant them at the right depth.
  8. Mulch your flower bed – Adding mulch to your flower bed is the final step. Mulch helps your soil retain moisture and prevent weed growth. Mulch can be found in multiple colors so you can choose the best look for your redesigned flower beds.

If you live in Central Texas, head out to your local Garden-Ville to buy the quality composts, soils, and mulches that are perfect for landscaping. Don’t forget about their 3 for $10 spring deal!


Home Projects Make Isolation Tolerable

COVID-19 has significantly affected our daily lives and left many quarantined in their homes. Taking on projects around the house during this time of social distancing will help keep both your mind and body active. It also provides a productive distraction, as completing these projects will leave you feeling fulfilled and able to enjoy your home even more. 

For continued reading on recycling, composting, and other ideas for projects, visit some of our other blog posts!
