5 Garage Clean-Out Tips

clean and organized garage

5 Garage Clean-Out Tips

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could easily drive your car into your garage and have space to store your items that won’t fit in the house? If you do a garage clean-out followed by some organizing, you can have a garage that is both functional for your vehicles and works well for storage.

To create the extra space you’ve always wanted, it’s necessary to learn how to clean your garage. For best results, keep the following tips in mind.

1. Take Everything Out of Your Garage

It’s difficult to organize your garage and clean up the clutter if you don’t remove everything from the space. The process of taking everything out of your garage allows you to create a “blank slate” on which to work.

Clearing everything out of the garage also gives you a chance to see how much space you have to work with and if you will need additional storage, such as more cupboards or shelving. It’s hard to envision an organized garage when the clutter is still in the space. Taking everything out of your garage also allows you to examine each item and decide if it’s something you want to keep, toss or donate.

2. Sort What You Will Keep from What You Want to Get Rid of

Most likely, one of the reasons your garage is disorganized is because you simply have too much stuff crammed into the space. You’ll find as you start to sort and sift through the items from the garage that some of the things you’ve been holding onto you don’t even want or need. At the same time, you may also find items you have misplaced over the years.

Before you start going through the contents of your garage, designate three areas. In one area, place a trash receptacle for items you decide to toss. In another area, place boxes or bags in which you will put items you decide to donate. In the third area, place items that you want to keep. 

Group the things you’ll be keeping according to how you’ll be placing them when you return them to the garage. For instance, garden tools in one section and camping supplies in another.

3. Have a Disposal Plan

One of the most important steps in a garage clean-out is making sure you dispose of items that you won’t be using in the future. If you haven’t used something within the last year, chances are you aren’t going to. You’re better off tossing the item or donating it rather than stuffing it back into your garage. 

Oftentimes, your trash and recycling bins may have enough room for your garage clean-up. If you find that you have a great deal of items to toss, though, you may want to rent a mini roll-off dumpster. This will allow you to be thorough with your garage clean-out and dispose of bulky items. 

For those items you wish to recycle or donate, you can drop them off at the TDS Citizens Convenience Center where we will take your unwanted items for a fee.

4. Clean All Surfaces

Cluttered garages can have large build-ups of dust, dirt and grime. After you’ve cleared everything out, scrub down all surfaces and clean out cupboards and any storage units. Wipe down cabinets and walls with warm water and a mild detergent. We also suggest sweeping and mopping the floors. Use a floor fan to dry the floor before moving everything back in again.

5. Organize Your Space

Rather than simply carrying all the items you’ve decided to keep back into the garage, examine the space and figure out how you can best store your belongings. You may find that you need more storage to have a well-organized garage. For instance, perhaps you need a bigger toolbox or more shelving. The right storage will help ensure that your garage is well organized and remains that way.

Affordable Dumpster Rental from TDS

Here at TDS, we’re available to help ensure that your garage clean-out goes smoothly and that you’re able to make space for the garage you’ve always wanted. Contact us for dumpster rental options.
